
Service Member Shares Love of Adventure and Outdoors —
Rising Sun Adventure Tours in Bass Harbor, ME

Kareem Dieng, an active soldier in the United States Army Reserve, fused his love of adventure and his experience leading groups in the outdoors to create Rising Sun Adventure Tours. He worked with the SBDC through potential problem areas related to the setup, funding, and marketing of his new business. He is now successfully leading bike tours that focus on experiencing the beauty of Acadia National Park and surrounding areas and has committed to sharing 3% of profits with local nonprofits.

Service Member Shares Love of Adventure and Outdoors —
Rising Sun Adventure Tours in Bass Harbor, ME

Kareem Dieng, an active soldier in the United States Army Reserve, fused his love of adventure and his experience leading groups in the outdoors to create Rising Sun Adventure Tours. He worked with the SBDC through potential problem areas related to the setup, funding, and marketing of his new business. He is now successfully leading bike tours that focus on experiencing the beauty of Acadia National Park and surrounding areas and has committed to sharing 3% of profits with local nonprofits.

Service Member Shares Love of Adventure and Outdoors —
Rising Sun Adventure Tours in Bass Harbor, ME

Kareem Dieng, an active soldier in the United States Army Reserve, fused his love of adventure and his experience leading groups in the outdoors to create Rising Sun Adventure Tours. He worked with the SBDC through potential problem areas related to the setup, funding, and marketing of his new business. He is now successfully leading bike tours that focus on experiencing the beauty of Acadia National Park and surrounding areas and has committed to sharing 3% of profits with local nonprofits.

Service Member Shares Love of Adventure and Outdoors —
Rising Sun Adventure Tours in Bass Harbor, ME

Kareem Dieng, an active soldier in the United States Army Reserve, fused his love of adventure and his experience leading groups in the outdoors to create Rising Sun Adventure Tours. He worked with the SBDC through potential problem areas related to the setup, funding, and marketing of his new business. He is now successfully leading bike tours that focus on experiencing the beauty of Acadia National Park and surrounding areas and has committed to sharing 3% of profits with local nonprofits.



Change in Sales


Change in Sales


Change in Sales


Change in Sales


The MSBDC was instrumental in helping Strategic Communications navigate through the uncharted territory and tough times of the pandemic.

President & CEO of Strategic Communications, Inc.

The MSBDC was instrumental in helping Strategic Communications navigate through the uncharted territory and tough times of the pandemic.

President & CEO of Strategic Communications, Inc.

The MSBDC was instrumental in helping Strategic Communications navigate through the uncharted territory and tough times of the pandemic.

President & CEO of Strategic Communications, Inc.

The MSBDC was instrumental in helping Strategic Communications navigate through the uncharted territory and tough times of the pandemic.

President & CEO of Strategic Communications, Inc.


A Veteran With A Passion for Fixing Games

Owned by Justin McKinnon, 1UP Games is a veteran-owned small business with a passion for electronics located in Bay City and Saginaw. The business offers a large selection of retro and current generation video game & systems, board games, movies and gadgets. Their experienced technicians specialize in fixing all types of phones, computers, tablets, game systems and more. The Michigan SBDC worked with Justin to help the business grow by providing assistance with eCommerce & website development, one-on-one consulting, loan & financial guidance, along with cash flow analysis and business plan development.

A Veteran With A Passion for Fixing Games

Owned by Justin McKinnon, 1UP Games is a veteran-owned small business with a passion for electronics located in Bay City and Saginaw. The business offers a large selection of retro and current generation video game & systems, board games, movies and gadgets. Their experienced technicians specialize in fixing all types of phones, computers, tablets, game systems and more. The Michigan SBDC worked with Justin to help the business grow by providing assistance with eCommerce & website development, one-on-one consulting, loan & financial guidance, along with cash flow analysis and business plan development.

A Veteran With A Passion for Fixing Games

Owned by Justin McKinnon, 1UP Games is a veteran-owned small business with a passion for electronics located in Bay City and Saginaw. The business offers a large selection of retro and current generation video game & systems, board games, movies and gadgets. Their experienced technicians specialize in fixing all types of phones, computers, tablets, game systems and more. The Michigan SBDC worked with Justin to help the business grow by providing assistance with eCommerce & website development, one-on-one consulting, loan & financial guidance, along with cash flow analysis and business plan development.

A Veteran With A Passion for Fixing Games

Owned by Justin McKinnon, 1UP Games is a veteran-owned small business with a passion for electronics located in Bay City and Saginaw. The business offers a large selection of retro and current generation video game & systems, board games, movies and gadgets. Their experienced technicians specialize in fixing all types of phones, computers, tablets, game systems and more. The Michigan SBDC worked with Justin to help the business grow by providing assistance with eCommerce & website development, one-on-one consulting, loan & financial guidance, along with cash flow analysis and business plan development.


Veteran Siblings Team Up to Create “Busy Baby”

We've done a lot of crazy stuff together as brother and sister, including serving together in Kuwait and Iraq during our time in the Army. Now that we both have our own families (Beth Fynbo has two kids and brother Eric has four) we’re thrilled to be working together to run Busy Baby and help make life a little easier for Busy Parents everywhere! Says Beth, “One-year-olds are notorious for throwing toys on the ground! I thought, there has got to be something I can buy for my son so we can enjoy a peaceful lunch together! I couldn't find anything that would do the job, so I created Busy Baby." It’s a food-grade silicone mat with straps to hold toys in place. As seen on a recent episode of Shark Tank — it’s an investment in your sanity!

Veteran Siblings Team Up to Create “Busy Baby”

We've done a lot of crazy stuff together as brother and sister, including serving together in Kuwait and Iraq during our time in the Army. Now that we both have our own families (Beth Fynbo has two kids and brother Eric has four) we’re thrilled to be working together to run Busy Baby and help make life a little easier for Busy Parents everywhere! Says Beth, “One-year-olds are notorious for throwing toys on the ground! I thought, there has got to be something I can buy for my son so we can enjoy a peaceful lunch together! I couldn't find anything that would do the job, so I created Busy Baby." It’s a food-grade silicone mat with straps to hold toys in place. As seen on a recent episode of Shark Tank — it’s an investment in your sanity!

Veteran Siblings Team Up to Create “Busy Baby”

We've done a lot of crazy stuff together as brother and sister, including serving together in Kuwait and Iraq during our time in the Army. Now that we both have our own families (Beth Fynbo has two kids and brother Eric has four) we’re thrilled to be working together to run Busy Baby and help make life a little easier for Busy Parents everywhere! Says Beth, “One-year-olds are notorious for throwing toys on the ground! I thought, there has got to be something I can buy for my son so we can enjoy a peaceful lunch together! I couldn't find anything that would do the job, so I created Busy Baby." It’s a food-grade silicone mat with straps to hold toys in place. As seen on a recent episode of Shark Tank — it’s an investment in your sanity!

Veteran Siblings Team Up to Create “Busy Baby”

We've done a lot of crazy stuff together as brother and sister, including serving together in Kuwait and Iraq during our time in the Army. Now that we both have our own families (Beth Fynbo has two kids and brother Eric has four) we’re thrilled to be working together to run Busy Baby and help make life a little easier for Busy Parents everywhere! Says Beth, “One-year-olds are notorious for throwing toys on the ground! I thought, there has got to be something I can buy for my son so we can enjoy a peaceful lunch together! I couldn't find anything that would do the job, so I created Busy Baby." It’s a food-grade silicone mat with straps to hold toys in place. As seen on a recent episode of Shark Tank — it’s an investment in your sanity!